How to install DIAGBOX 9.68 to 9.129 (VMware)
of reading
DIAGBOX 9.68 / 9.91 / 9.96 / 9.125 / 9.129, all PSA + OPEL vehicles up to 2022
Discover how to install DIAGBOX 9.68 to 9.129 on VMware with our detailed guide. This page provides you with a clear and simple step-by-step guide to set up your virtual environment and install different versions of DIAGBOX. You will learn the essential steps, from creating the virtual machine to installing the software, including system prerequisites and recommended settings. Follow our instructions to ensure a successful installation of DIAGBOX, the essential tool for diagnosing and maintaining your vehicle. Enhance your user experience with our reliable and practical guide..
64-Bit system compatibility only: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11, Mac OS, Linux.
Make sure your computer supports virtualization.
Minimum configuration: Dual Core Processor with Virtualization (i3/i5 recommended), 3GB of RAM (4GB+ recommended), 20GB of Hard Disk
>> Click here to access the Diagnostic Kit for PSA datasheet.
>> Click here to access only the PSA diagnostic software datasheet.
Diagbox Installation Instructions :
Once the Diagbox (VMware) archive is downloaded, you need to extract (unzip) all its contents on your computer using WinRAR software. Ideally, you can create a PSA folder on the C:\ drive to keep everything in one place.
It is imperative not to open the software still in the archive, as it will not work.

First, you will install the VMware Workstation Player software.
Download VMware 17 for Windows 8, 10, 11, and Linux
Or VMware 15 for Windows 7
VMware Workstation Player will allow you to simulate the DIAGBOX diagnostic computer.
The installation process is identical or very similar between versions 15, 16, or 17.

Don't forget to check the "Enhanced Keyboard Driver" box to optimize keyboard feature support.

Then uncheck the following two boxes: "Check for product updates on startup" and "Join the VMware customer experience."
Finish the installation and choose to restart your computer.

To start DIAGBOX from your desktop, follow these steps :
Once your computer has restarted, go back to the PSA folder and create a shortcut on the desktop for the "VM_Diagbox_9.91.vmx" file by Right Clicking > Send To > Desktop (Create Shortcut)
Open this new shortcut on your desktop.
If you receive a message stating "This application may not work properly," press "Run the program without assistance."

The VMware software launches, click on OPEN A VIRTUAL MACHINE.
Find your previously extracted DIAGBOX 9.XX folder.
Open "VM_Diagbox_9.XXX.vmx" (VMX file only).

The partition launches.
Choose the "I Moved It" option to transfer the software activation.

Install VMWare Tools updates if prompted to support mouse, keyboard, etc., drivers.

Once on the new desktop, connect your Diagbox Interface to your PC.
Your computer will automatically recognize the probe and display a message asking if you want to connect this device to the host (your PC) or to the VM (Diagbox). You should choose "Virtual Machine" otherwise, it will not work. You can also check the "Remember my choice" box for subsequent times before confirming.

You can now launch Diagbox!
With the PSA Interface Checker software, you can update your probe software to make it compatible with the latest provided versions.
Requirement :
Activate virtualization on your PC if this message appears:
--> How to activate virtualization?